
CollabraMed is a unique and state-of-the-art collaboration environment that allows hospitals, medical groups, insurance companies, and pharmaceutical companies to streamline communication activities between various locations and entities

Secure Access

The CollabraMed system provides secure electronic access to patient records so that physicians, regardless of where they’re located, can quickly get information they need to treat patients by enabling physicians, hospitals and other health professionals to electronically tap into and collaborate on a wealth of treatment and procedural information as they care for a patient

Talent Pool Coordination

In addition, understanding and coordinating the medical and claims processing talent pool among these various organizations is key to achieving this. For example, given the high speed communication capabilities made possible by current VPN technology, medical images and reports can be analyzed by people in different locations than where the images were taken. By coordinating their talent pool a hospital group may find, for example, that it is not necessary to hire more lab technicians in Dallas because there are enough such techs in other locations to fulfill the needs of the hospital group

Communication Tools

CollabraMed combines a unique set of web- and software based tools for knowledge management, knowledge creation and information sharing. The collaborative network uses MedData’s customized tools for electronic communications to facilitate the sharing of medical and insurance information through e-mail, voice mail, Web Publishing, and direct VPN connections

Collaborative Management Tools

CollabraMed provides collaborative management tools to facilitate and manage group activities that allow hospitals and physicians to support the care of patients through task automation, from daily reports to discharge summaries, and quality assessment to clinical pathways. The result is increased efficiency, improved quality, and better patient care, all at a substantial cost savings

CollabraMed Portals

CollabraMed’s built-in knowledge and patient portals give physicians involved in a consultation instant access to centralized information and databases for knowledge sharing about medical practices, procedures, and treatment guidelines while also allowings patients at member hospitals and medical practices to log onto their own medical database to get the results of lab tests or review their medical records

Reduces Medical Errors

Because CollabraMed keeps medical providers in touch, regardless of where they are or their area of specialty, medical groups using CollabraMed can reduce costly medical errors by ensuring healthcare workers have immediate access to the critical information they need, thus improving quality of care, minimizing wasted resources, and making a compelling case for interventions that will make a difference, including deploying electronic medical records and information system